We've been getting some excellent questions from our partners lately, and we thought it would be helpful to share one of these discussions with all of you. We're all about optimising your decisions, after all!
So, here's the deal: You know we've got some pretty clear guidelines on how to handle that valuable data of ours. But hey, technology keeps zooming forward, and we totally get that we need to keep those guidelines fresh.
With the increase in AI tools, we want to make sure you're in the loop about this. If you're using StudentCrowd data within AI tools (think Chat GPT and friends), we've got to give you a heads-up. According to the way AI learns and shares information, using our data with AI tools actually breaks the contract we've got in place. Why? Because once AI gets a taste of our data, it holds onto it like a squirrel with a nut. And that means your data's out there for all to see.
But hang on, there's more! We're all about being flexible and finding those win-win solutions. If you're cooking up your very own AI tools that stay in a secure digital bubble, we're open to chatting about it. Reach out to me or Paul Humphreys directly, and we can figure out a case-by-case plan. It’s just about keeping those data security measures sound!
We think data security is the superhero cape that keeps your ability to make leading business decisions using our data safe and sound. So, let's ensure we continue to work together to make sure our data remains under lock and key. Share this news with your teams, and let's keep the ball rolling!
Just to make sure we're all on the same page, please click on the ‘respond now’ button to give this a thumbs-up! We want to know that you've got our message.
If any questions are bubbling up, or you're just itching for a good old chat, we're all ears and ready to arrange a call. Let's keep the conversation going!
Stay data-savvy, Tuely